The Environmental Voice

Going outside and seeing the trees, sky and flowers is a normal thing. Anyone on earth knows what a tree looks like. Now imagine if none of that existed. Only a select few even knew what a tree was, much less what it looked like. It is extremely important to bring awareness to the environment.

People need to understand that it is important to leave wildlife alone. Deforestation is devastating many species that call specific forests home. It is important to admire the natural beauty and not ruin it with skyscrapers and landfills. It is also important to understand that skyscrapers and other buildings aren’t bad. But we do need to clean up our environmental footprint.
Technology plays a great role in climate change, and the disruption of wildlife. That’s not to say technology is bad either. But it could be more sustainable. In fact, technology could be the answer to preserving our climate. Robots and machines can be programmed to specifically fulfill the needs of climates. Better recycling machines can be manufactured. It all depends on what companies, organizations, and the community are willing to do.

Humans played quite a role in the climate and wildlife crisis. Therefore, it is our job to take action and save the only planet we have. The simplest thing to do is simply adore and appreciate nature as it is. Not covering the ground in landfills, but recycling, and reusing. Even spreading the word or planting  a tree can be helpful. There are many figures who also help the environment. Supporting people like this can also be a good way to help.

It’s your time to be a hero. To save the planet, enjoying it along the way! You even get paid back for it through cleaner, fresher air, a prettier landscape, and so much more! There’s almost endless possibilities! The world needs you, me and all of us. The question is: are we willing to help?

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