Earth Day 2022!

Happy Earth Day! Today is the day to clean beaches, plant trees and raise awareness! Or maybe… Learn more about what makes our planet so special!

It’s very easy to overlook the thought, but what really makes Earth so special? It is just a planet, after all. But if we look closer, we can see that earth is that statistically impossible, ultra-rare perfect planet. You might be thinking, “Yeah I knew this”. And yes, that’s true, but before you close the tab, maybe read on. These are the little details that you might not have noticed!

If we look at the solar system, we can see that Earth is the third planet from the sun. The first two planets, Mercury and Venus are supposedly “blocking” unwanted rays and heat from the sun. Upon that, the Earth has a special atmosphere to block out the unwanted radiation from the sun. And, if that wasn’t enough, The sun is a small and somewhat perfect star for Earth to be the way it is. It’s as if everything– if you look deep enough– is in an extremely precise balance. If the sun was duller or brighter, or hotter or cooler, life might not have had a chance to survive and thrive as it does now.

Earth is a coincidence upon coincidence– it’s literally one in a billion! Every single thing on earth is filled to the brim with secrets and details, some so obvious that they go overlooked. It’s hard to see such a selection of landscapes on any other planet or exoplanet. Some exoplanets do seem to resemble Earth and some believe that there might be life on them– but since we have not yet seen those planets up close, we don’t know if they really are as perfect as Earth or if they merely just look like it.

Maybe this Earth Day you weren’t able to physically make a difference. Maybe you couldn’t get out to help clean the parks. But maybe this Earth Day, you decided to just appreciate the Earth as a whole. Something so precious and special. The perfect habitat for all life.

Happy Earth Day From RAFTW!

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