Earth Day 2021 🌏

Hello! Hope you had a happy Earth Day yesterday. I was so busy that I actually forgot! But the truth is: Every day is Earth Day! So I’m gonna go over five cool things you can do for Earth Day.

1. Make your own paper.

There are many tutorials online on how to make paper. It’s really cool because you recycle old junk paper, and get nice looking, thick, new paper. I have never made paper before, but the process and end results look fascinating. You can even make educational crafts and games (like board games) with the paper you made!

2. Plant literally anything.

Of course, everyone says to plant trees. And there’s nothing bad about that. But if you live in a small house, apartment, or if you just can’t afford or find a sapling near you, planting any plant is a nice alternative. A small herb garden is enough to know that you’re doing your part. If you plant specific flowers, you can attract hummingbirds. You can also plant fruits or veggies to get something in return!

3. The Green Challenge!

Challenge your family and friends to see who can turn the lights of first, or waste the least amount of water. You can keep a prize for the winner or make a scavenger hunt for younger kids teaching them about Climate Change.

4. It’s Snack Time!

Try making treats like globe-shaped pies, green-and-blue cupcakes, marshmallows or donuts to honor the Earth! (Mmmm… I’m getting hungry!)

5. Enjoy Nature Outside.

Trust me, this is actually fun. Especially since we’re stuck at home in a pandemic. Just going out on your porch for 5 minutes is really fun!

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